Welcome to Lambeth LTN Watch

Monitoring Lambeth Low Traffic Neighborhoods

Our mission as Lambeth Take Note is to ensure transparency, accountability and genuine community representation in Lambeth's Low Traffic Neighbourhood decisions. Lambeth LTN Watch aims to shed light on the implications of the LTN policies, to prompt Lambeth Council and its decision makers to re-evaluate and prioritise the genuine needs and concerns of all its residents. Together we will champion a more inclusive, well-informed and community-driven approach to local urban planning.

Hot of the Press - LTN Suspended - 07/03/2024

LTNs in the  News

LTN Impact  Summary

  • Daily toxic gridlock on boundary roads Streatham High Road, Leigham Court Road and Streatham Common North and beyond
  • Buses delayed, cancelled or stuck in traffic. Emergency vehicles at a standstill
  • 7 boundary road schools with children breathing in increased pollution all day, above WHO guidelines (airly.org)
  • Trade and delivery drivers unable to complete jobs and are boycotting Streatham
  • NHS staff and social services unable to keep appointments, reach surgeries, carry out home visits
  • Endless roadworks from TfL and Thames Water adding to the chaos
  • Elderly, disabled and SEN children disproportionately affected

Flawed Evidence

There are five main pieces of evidence constantly quoted for LTNs leading to traffic evaporation, reduction in pollution and increased active travel by Better Streets for Enfield, London Living Streets and various other activist groups. These are debunked in the following article by Peter Payne.

Lambeth Suspends Streatham Wells LTN

We welcome the fact that Lambeth Council has finally responded but we are saddened that it took the Mayor of London (Sadiq Khan) to make any response!


Thousands of residents within the Lambeth wider area have been complaining for months about these LTNs, in fact it's even years for some areas of Lambeth.


What we would like to highlight is that Lambeth Council do not monitor these new schemes properly, they don't look at alternative routes, they don't look at extra mileage and they use MetroCount which is a technology that doesn't count cars travelling under 10kmh


There is no way that in any sense Lambeth Council can claim there is a net reduction in car traffic, when we all know that isn't true!


We are also concerned that Lambeth seem happy to divert traffic to already busy residential and main roads that also contain a high proportion of schools, nurseries and elderly resident facilities. This is a huge negative to schemes.


Previous LTN residents earlier in the Lambeth schemes also know it isn’t true.
We need to be able to get around the table and for Lambeth Council to not listen to just PRO LTN advocates who are very small in number. Lambeth Council need to talk to everybody.


Streatham is unique in that there is no underground station and parts of it are not well provided for with respect to public transport.


We are disappointed it has come to this, that someone else has to intervene, Lambeth Council should be listening to residents.


Lambeth LTN Watch

Streatham Businesses 

Leaflet Campaign

Our first leaflet drop started 25th November 2023 in Streatham Wells, we are now planning on dropping leaflets in affected areas which are outside Streatham Wells. 

Please join the The Leaflet WhatsApp Group - if you want help deliver leaflets in your road.

Door to Door Questionnaire

We will be visiting all households in the Streatham Wells LTN starting soon. Please email door2door@lambethltnwatch.org or join the If you can to help us carry out door to door surveys.

Get Involved! We need you!

Have a look at the 'WHAT CAN YOU DO' Section